Tuesday, July 9, 2013

And customers can make their own decisions about a business that would do this.

Customers purchase popular "no weapon" signs


Anonymous said...

how to avoid unarmed victim zones, delivered to your phone:



Anonymous said...

My usual response is to "keep on walking" when I encounter such businesses. I typically call them or drop them a line or email to let them know that I decided to NOT give them my business and why so they have the opportunity to make an informed decision going forward.

Anonymous said...

In Texas you can post all of the signs like that you want and it makes no difference. To be enforceable, a sign must follow a specific format and contain certain verbiage verbatim. Certain places are off limits for carrying concealed and are listed in the statute.

Anonymous said...

As with Buffalo Wild Wings. Once I found out they were an anti-gun company I chose to spend my money elsewhere. We have a grocery chain here in New Siberia (Michigan) that refuses to allow guns to be legally carried on their property. I haven't been there since. If they don't believe in my right to protect myself from the predator's that our Marxist society has allowed to run wild because of skin color or national origin then they can kiss my entire Irish American ass. Just that simple.

bikermailman said...

Spot on about us making our own choices, and Anon, ya beat me to mentioning the app. Cyborg, my W Tx town has a county welfare office that is one of those basic international symbol signs, not the proper 30.06 signage. I don't bring the failure to their attention.

Chris Powell said...

I encourage everyone to email this company, as I have, to let them know what the word contradiction means.

Ed said...

I like the concept of carrying cards that state "You have lost my business today and in the future" for businesses that post "No Guns" signs and maintenance of a database of businesses with those signs. Shunning and boycotts have worked before and continue to work.


Anonymous said...

If I'm not going to be patted down or be subjected to a metal detector, I just walk past the stupid sign and go on inside. No business has the right to deny me the means of self defense inside their facilities. I don't give a damn what a state's law says about that. My employer for many years has a rule that forbids employees to have a firearm with them. But, there was no search or metal detector, so I went to work every day with a concealed pistol on my person, and nobody knew it. If someone had entered the facility and started shooting and I had been able to save some lives by stopping the perpetrator, I'll bet some people would have been grateful. I urge you not to give up your right to effective self defense by obeying some damned piece of crap law, sign or employer's rule. If you disobey an employer's rule, don't tell even your best friend at work. Sometimes things change and best friends can turn against you and might tattle.

I just remembered that yesterday I walked by a sign forbidding firearms and went on inside and conducted my business. Actually, I didn't notice the sign until I was leaving the building. I have to go there occasionally. If they want to stop me from carrying in the building, they had better hire a full time officer with a wand to man the door, or else I'll still be carrying.

"Gun free zones are simply killing fields for mass murderers."
- Quote from Ted Nugent -

- Old Greybeard