Tuesday, July 2, 2013

More reasons to support Gun Owners of America.

This just in from GOA:
Police Drop the Charges Against Jared Marcum!
These and other victories remind us, once again, there’s much to be grateful for this Independence Day
“I can't thank Larry Pratt and Gun Owners enough for standing with Jared and his family during these difficult days. You were there when we needed you. GOA and GOF's legal and financial support was critical to Jared's defense, to blocking the gag order which the government asked for, and finally obtaining a dismissal of all charges against Jared. Thank you for all you do and thanks for the GOA T-shirts!” -- Ben White, attorney for Jared Marcum
Gun Owners of America wants to thank all of you who contributed to the Jared Marcum legal defense fund.
All charges have now been dropped against the West Virginia teenager, and Jared will not have a criminal record.
In April, the 14-year-old was ordered by a band teacher to change his T-shirt because the instructor did not like the shirt’s pro-gun message. The shirt stated “protect your right” and pictured a rifle with a scope.
Jared was suspended from school, and later was arrested for “obstructing” an officer. He faced a $500 fine and one year in jail.
The police then issued a gag order against the family and his attorney, preventing them from talking about the case. And as if that wasn’t Orwellian enough, a reporter who tried to contest the gag order found herself being ejected from the courthouse. The reason?
If you guessed “obstruction,” then you move to the head of the class!
All of this heavy-handedness on part of the police led Kurt Hofmann of the Examiner to say, “The Logan, West Virginia PD apparently has the most easily ‘obstructed’ police officers since the Keystone Cops.”
In the midst of all this, GOA helped ignite a national outrage after alerting activists two weeks ago to what was happening in the Mountain State.
Plus, Gun Owners Foundation quickly set up a legal defense fund to assist the attorney who was taking Jared’s case pro bono.
Thankfully, the case is now over, as the police dropped all charges against Jared Marcum on Thursday.
With this victory behind them, the Marcum family is now considering legal action against the school district. GOA will be watching these efforts closely and will keep you updated.
In similar news, GOA is working with a Congressman in Washington to cut-off federal funds to any school district that imposes a zero-tolerance policy that punishes (e.g., suspends) children for wearing shirts containing a pro-gun message ... or for playing cops-and-robbers during recess … or for turning their pop tarts into “weapons” … or extending their fingers to resemble a gun, etc.
Please stay tuned.
GOA wins initial victory on behalf of pro-gun sheriff
Gun Owners of America also won an initial skirmish in Wisconsin, where a sheriff has come under attack for his pro-gun views.
If you’ve heard the name David Clarke, you know that he is one of the most pro-gun sheriffs in the country.
Last month, GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt personally awarded the “High Noon Award” to Wisconsin’s Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr., for “standing for truth when others run, for telling the truth even though politically incorrect.”
In a public safety announcement earlier this year, Sheriff Clarke told viewers: “With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. You can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed or you can fight back. But are you prepared?”
The ad ends with Clarke stating, “You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We're partners now. Can I count on you?”
Well, a panel on the Milwaukee Board of Supervisors tried to discriminate against Sheriff Clarke and punish him for his pro-gun views. The committee did so by voting to restrict Sheriff David Clarke from appearing in any future public service announcements.
For the record, David Clarke has made several public service announcements, but they were never a problem until he cut the “pro-gun” advertisement.
Recognizing this for the sheer discrimination it is, Gun Owners of America immediately activated its grassroots network within the state and asked them to contact all the Board of Supervisors.
According to several media outlets, the GOA alert resulted in the Board being “flooded” and “inundated” with emails supporting Sheriff Clarke.
When politicians feel the heat … they see the light.
The full Board of Supervisors looked into the situation and sent the “gag order” resolution back to the committee. So while it’s bottled up there for now, it means Sheriff Clarke is free to continue educating the public on their rights and responsibilities relating to self-defense.


Anonymous said...

OT, but another transient/fleeting moment of clarity.

"San Diego jury erases 'stupid' chalk charges"

No link--AP feed.


Anonymous said...

GOA keeps this up and the NRA may find itself out of business....

One can hope anyway. ;)

Anonymous said...

Part of that legislation needs to barring any funding to any school that punishes a child for defending themselves from physical aggression. Many people do not realize that children today are taught that defending yourself from lhysical aggression is a punishable offense - many times a defender gaining the same punishment as the original offender. Sickening it is to see children's rights violated in this way.

Note able it is that it was GOA that came to the defense of a kid wearing a.NRA shirt. Lol@ the feckless NRA. True colors shining through about the NO RIGHTS ALLOWED organization.

Anonymous said...

There should be no "considering legal action" by the family; it should be a foregone conclusion. Stick it to 'em!

Jhn1 said...

Jared needs to get the NRA, GOA,and NAGR and whoever else to help organize the petitions (schoolkids going door-to-door during summer break) to to recall the School board who didn't replace the Principal who didn't fire the teacher. And the Sheriff/Police Chief who didn't fire the deputies/police officers involved. The DA's office finally resolved the cranial-rectal inversion problem so they can stay.

When elected officials are held accountable for the stupid things their subordinates do, they will either fire those subordinates, or make it clear which stupid things are not allowed under the threat of firing.

As then, those same subordinates probably won't do those firing offense things, either works for me.

Jhn1 said...

to Anon. sorry I missed your comment or I would have made a dual post.

The zero tolerance is not about protecting kids.

It is about protecting the school board from parents with attorneys, and the school administration from parents with attorneys. Some protection to the school entity itself is part, and there might be a bit left over to protect the teachers from parents with attorneys.

Nowhere on that list is protecting the kids, except as maybe a side effect.

Anonymous said...

I believe the judge actually dropped the charges, or perhaps the judge ordered the charges dropped. I know GOA worked on this. Did the NRA also help? I don't know the answer to that question. I'll try to find out.

- Old Greybeard

Anonymous said...

Gotta wonder what happens to a kid named "Gunner" or even "Gunnar"