Monday, July 1, 2013

A fit of temporary sanity in West Virginia.

Charges Dismissed Against 8th-Grader Who Wore NRA T-Shirt


Anonymous said...

Temporary sanity, or fear of blowback?
Apparently teh po-po (and other branches of teh local gubbment?) have been getting massive (by small town standards) amounts of phone calls from the local citizenry (not serfs) protesting this.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

It's not really over until the dumb cop loses his badge and starts a long and fruitful career in Mall Security. :D

Jeffersonian said...

Apparently they cut a deal so the family won't sue.

And NRA rendered "assistance".

Whose side are they on again?

Anonymous said...

The teacher that reported him, who is the band teacher, and the principal that allowed the police to be called should also lose their jobs!

- Old Greybeard