Friday, April 12, 2013

Ya think? As if our God-given, natural and inalienable rights to liberty and property were subject to opinion polls anyway.

Gun Debate Highlights Voter Distrust of Government


Paul X said...

From the article:
"Well, the government is us."

Politicians lie, and this is the biggest lie of all.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing about these types of lame analyses meant to take up 2000 never see the word "infringe" anywhere. It's not just gun control either--it's a day-to-day assault on individual rights and personal freedom.

"It's all about the children" applies to everything and everyone.


Anonymous said...

A properly worded opinion poll can get a majority vote on banning dihydrogen monoxide - to save the children of course. I'm sure people reading this blog already know that dihydrogen monoxide is H2O, water.

God-given rights exist whether a government infringes them or not. They cannot be legislated away and woe to those who try.