Saturday, April 13, 2013

We'll see if they're this restrained when the administration opens up Gitmo to high-value American political prisoners of the civil war the Obamanoids are soliciting (not that I expect to live that long).

Prisoners, guards clash over Guantanamo Bay raid.


Anonymous said...

Uh Mr. V., pardon me for bringing this up ........but about it`s us exiling all these bastards to the Isle of Gitmo in the end .

Anonymous said...

At least the weather is nice.

Anonymous said...

Mike, they aren't waiting for a civil war. They're already arresting them. Unfortunately, knowledge of high value American political prisoners will never see the light of day by virtue of the NDAA. In fact, during the hearing of the suit brought by four US journalists against the USG in regards to their POSSIBLE arrest for "aiding and abetting the enemy" by virtue of the NDAA, Judge Forest suggested the USG ALREADY has American political dissidents in custody and that is why the USG was fighting so hard to keep the NDAA intact, as should they loose, the USG could be held liable. In fact, astonishingly, the USG filed for an appeal within 24 hours, which was granted.
"For the reader who is unfamiliar with legalese, or the trajectory of cases like this, there are two concrete points to take away from what has transpired thus far…

The first point is that Judge Forrest’s ruling was not only historic in that she stood up to the same administration that appointed her, but also because it underscored the fact that these plaintiffs each had standing in the case. This means that it was Judge Forrest’s interpretation that each plaintiff, could be at risk for indefinite detention under § 1021(b)(2) of the NDAA, for their otherwise constitutionally protected work as journalists or activists.

The second point was revealed in the 24 hours after Judge Forrest issued her permanent injunction on September 15th, 2012, when the Obama Administration filed a request for an “emergency stay” of her ruling. While, an appeal of the ruling was expected from the Obama Administration, no one could have expected the speed and ferocity in which they would file their request, especially with only a little over a month until election day. This led many to suppose that this administration has either inherited detainees who were imprisoned indefinitely using powers similar to those outlined in § 1021(b)(2) or are regularly using these powers themselves, and thus would be in contempt of court if Judge Forrest’s ruling stood" unquote
In regards to the Gitmo thing, that article doesn't tell the whole story. In fact, given the background, I'd submit "restrained" is total bullshit. How "restrained" is it when the USG holds a person for ELEVEN stinking years with no charge, and some detainees have even been slated for release for years, and still are being held.
And who knows, maybe the are ALREADY holding American political prisoners there. That's the REAL problem with the NDAA. Personally, who needs NAZI's when ya got the USG.

I'd submit Gitmo is the pus draining from the PERINEAL ABSCESS on the ass of humanity known as the US Government.

Anonymous said...

ps, PERINEAL ABSCESS is a massive understatement. The USG might as well put up a STATE sized billboard saying "WARCRIMES-R-US"!!!!

These psychotic bastards redefine the word SHAMELESS. In fact, they don't even recognize the word. They mock Nuremberg, while upping the ante on deviancy. All I know is history will be their judge, jury and executioner, if not the UN Special Rapporteur on War Crimes.
Personally, I'd give my life to see these USG waste of flesh scumbags hang.