Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Oh, this is choice. Colorado Democrat doesn't understand magazines can be reloaded.

Where do they find morons this stupid?
"I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available."
In fact, I apologize, for to call this woman a stupid moron is an insult to honest stupid morons all over the world.


Anonymous said...

tipping the hand. all these lackeys receive the daily meme, the talking points etc. some are so dim they can't even the the ticker feed from the communist manifesto correct.

the attack on surplus reloading supplies/brass and recent news regarding .goob bulk ammo purchases have to be weighed within this stooges comments.


Anonymous said...

Maybe this commie slob is talking about an ammo ban that hasnt been announced yet ?

Backwoods Engineer said...

And then, per David Codrea, her female spokesdroid comes out and says, no, it's CLIPS that can't be re-used! LOL!

I guess I and every other Mosin-Nagant owner since 1896 have been doing it wrong! I have always re-used my steel Mosin clips.


Gordy said...

This is called "Dumb gone to seed." It's the total Democrat platform.

Anonymous said...

If you put this in a screen play or a novel your editor would make you take it out. It simply is not something the average person would believe an elected official would say.

Charles N. Steele said...

Wow! Beyond belief!

Anonymous said...

Just proves my point...liberals are incapable of rational thought. Spook89

Eric said...

Find her???
Where do they find the people who voted for her and her kind???
Annnd what do we do about them???

Anonymous said...

"Where do they find morons this stupid?"
Under a low information voter rock.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

At some point, insurrection may be unavoidable in order to rid our government of people like this.
Just as we don't let the blind fly airplanes or the retarded teach calculus, folks such as this woman shouldn't be granted decision making powers beyond the threshold of the rabbit hole she lives in.
The orgy of breathtaking stupidity taking place in state governments, not to mention the federal, is surpassing anything I've ever seen by far. And I've lived long enough to see some pretty stupid shit.

Anonymous said...

Ah, she only "misspoke"...she actually meant "clips" aren't reusable.

These creatures are beyond stupid, they are simply mindless robots parroting whatever drivel has trickled down to them from the Feinstein/Schumer/Durbin/Obama pewling of the day.


bloodyspartan said...

I want to go to WAR to remove this EVIL.
Please tell me we are Ready.

This maroon is deciding our FATE just like her 10000 BIDEN CLONES.

Time to dispose of with extreme prejudice.

Scott J said...

Reminds me of Hank "tip over the island of Guam" Johnson.

Anonymous said...

Ever consider that maybe what she's saying is that once government dries up all the ammo by rules, regs or other means, the mags are worthless?

We can laugh at her choice of words, but the bigger picture isn't funny at all.

Anonymous said...

He who chooses to not get involved in politics is destined to be ruled by idiots.

Gunny G said...

Her head will explode when she finds out that cartridges can be reloaded.

Anonymous said...

Jeeeezus Frog! Is it possible for anyone to be more uninformed and idiotic regarding "magazine clips" (her words) and what they are? How in the hell did this woman pass Colorado's requirements for graduating Junior High School, much less the basic requirement to be a legislator?

skybill said...

Hi Mike,
"Funny thing you should mention that!!" It's a very old problem not only associated with "Projectile hurling devices (sic)!!" As a 2A supporter I can only say that this is not unusual......"Also!!" as an old fart skydiver, we have been attacked by skydiverolophobes (like hoplophobes excepet they hate skydivers and their ability to jump out of perfectly good airplanes for the pure shear physical thrill of it!!) Had we 'divers not banned together to fight them, none of us would be jumping today. The fight goes on and takes on many forms, not just 2A. You should have heard some of the arguments why we should have been banned from the sky!! Just like the woman going on about the magazines, if she was talking about parachutes, she wouldn't know a ripcord from her rectum!!! I kid you not!! So far, I (and you and anyone else) can still jump!!!
Blue skies!,

Happy D said...

"Where do they find morons this stupid?"

Public Schools,Democratic party meetings, Leftist colleges to start the list.

Any place insulated from reality will act as a breading ground.

A SImple Man said...

I am bleeding inside my head.

SWIFT said...

I can tolerate the women of the Democrat party being stupid, but I get pains in my liver noting how ugly they all are. Must be something in the water.

Anonymous said...

The Parallel Universe of Ugly notwithstanding, behold the Big Bang of Clueless. Jesus H..time to recalibrate the redline on the DUMB-O-METER to Log10. Speaking of dumbasses, I hear this gal just made numero uno in the annuls of Great Moments in Monumental Stupidity. Congratulations Ms. Dimwit.

Let's see now..oh yeah..I'll try DOLTS fer $2k.

Anonymous said...

Get them??? They breed them in labs. Then they indoctrinate them in government political indroctination centers. They refer to them as public schools. with the proper mindset. "The state is the creator of all. It is the protector, it is the mother and the father. It is the good."
They have bred an entire population of drones and mindless eunuchs.