Monday, April 8, 2013

Kurt Hofmann: Use social media to confront 'universal background check' pushers on '40%' lie

The only sensible answer is that they think it's worth the risk. That their case for a private sales ban is too weak unless it's bolstered by nearly doubling or tripling the more likely numbers.That's the story that needs to get out: that even the biggest boosters of "universal background checks" do not believe that the truth would justify the law they claim is so desperately needed.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Obama - may I call you 'Barry'? - you and the rest of your palace choom gang may be determined, but the rest of us are quite sick of you and your incessant bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Lee H. Oswald have a son? Wonder if he has ever learned to shoot like his daddy did? Kid, where are you when you are needed?