Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hear no evil, etc. More of what we already knew.

Homeland agents failed to stop ATF, Fast & Furious guns from crossing border


SWIFT said...

An illegal operation of that size and no one goes to jail? Not one agent, supervisor, agency head? Just goes to show that the only justice in this case will come from a people's court. The sentencing will be based on Ho Chi Minh's policy of leniency, as practiced at the Hanoi Hilton.

William Flatt said...

Swift, you forget that WACO was another illegal operation of 'that size', and nobody there went to jail (except for the surviving victims). The dirtbags committed premeditated mass murder and that included the assassin, Lon Horiuchi.

Just so many names on the list for the day of settling accounts... they will get justice, in this life or on the Judgement Day!