Tuesday, April 16, 2013

'Compromise' on gun rights inevitably surrenders Constitutional high ground

The instant we put Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human rights (such as the right to conduct firearms transactions privately) on the bargaining table, subject to exchange for fuller recognition of other rights--even if on what seem very favorable terms--we have, to paraphrase the joke, already established what kind of Constitutional rights advocates we are.


Anonymous said...

Truth is its own defense !

For over a half-decade I've witnessed "calls for compromise to "C" resulting in "C" becoming the new A. IOW compromise to the left only results in further, and more egregious demands for "compromise based upon the new "standard" ! Long past time patriots and gun owners "draw a line in concrete - not sand" stating unequivocally "no further" ! >Jeff

Paul X said...

Seems to me we've already done that, with NICS and 4473's.

I looked through the Toomey bill. What I see is not gun registration but *gun owner* registration. In other words, there will not any more be buying of "unpapered guns", although it is not the gun that is papered, but our transaction. So, this bill is tightening up what they already know, basically who is buying guns, and how many (so the true "gun nuts" can be targeted). However this assumes the people buying unpapered guns will conform to the law. I suspect they won't. So, the jury is out on how much new information they will be able to capture with "universal" background checks. (I am assuming that all information that goes to the government will go into a database. It's naive to think otherwise.)

The even more troubling aspect of this bill is the notion that the government can make a list of people too unstable to own a gun. This notion is becoming cast in concrete, and not without the help of a lot (perhaps the majority) of gun owners. Of course what will happen is that they will eventually decide that anyone who has expressed the true purpose of the 2nd Amendment, to fight tyranny in one's own government, will be deemed too unstable to own a gun.

Anonymous said...

How is this for a 'compromise'?

If the gun-grabbers entirely abandon their depridations we will almost entirely give up thoughts of gut-shooting them and watching them die in ditches!

We retain the right to possess rope though ...

Anonymous said...

What we are being told is that we are going to accept their changes to our constitutional rights whether we like them or not.

Not so much.

SAF - CCRKBA are dead organizations now except in the Northwest.