Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Biden mocks gun skeptics: ‘We’re going to swoop down with Special Forces folks and gather up every gun in America’

"Bizarre" all right.


Anonymous said...


So, Gabby Giffords still target practices, yet folks in NY who suffer from anxiety or mild depression are now required to surrender their firearms?

Anonymous said...

A form of gun confiscation is already happening in New York. The "Black Helicopter crowd" (sic) was right.

Anonymous said...


My jaw actually dropped after reading that these assholes have awarded themselves for their in-depth investigation of Fast and Furious.

The concept of shame is officially dead.

Anonymous said...

(sigh) Crazy drunk Uncle Joe is at it again.
I/We have seen waaaay too much mission creep from Teh Gubbment to believe ANYTHING that comes out of ANY Kongress Kritter's mouth.
Not register my guns? Only if I don't tell you about them. Period.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

It just shows you by inflection what he and they really want to do and how they want to do it. The making of war upon the people of this country would be treason but you won't see that mentioned anywhere by his "news media".

No, they will repeat his lies as fact and create the necessary environment for everything on his little Marxist wish list because they are good little Marxists too!

And the truth and constitution, be damned and far as they are concerned.

Anonymous said...

Biden - the very best reason not to consider removing Bammie Boy!

'Just one shot away from the Presidency'


Gunny G said...

I will dance on Biden's grave.

SWIFT said...

Biden is a lying POS! The thing he denies, a national gun registry, has been debated in the Senate for weeks now. The Dems wanting a registry and the RHINO's wanting it left out of background checks. None of it matters anyhow as the FBI will cheat and do as they damn well please. About the Black Helicopter crowd; after years of official denial, black helicopters were used in a massive training exercise in Pittsburgh a few years ago. This exposed more than just the serial liars, it showed their real intent against Americans. Screw 'em! Keep prepping!

William Flatt said...

Funny how he mentions 'black helicopters' and Special Forces in the same breath! Anyone with basic knowledge of America's SF should already know that the REAL black helicopters are the 160th SPECIAL FORCES aviation regiment.

It could make a guy wonder if Crazy Joe was deliberately engaging in a double entendre!

I would rather be called a paranoid conspiracy theorist for warning about possible gun confiscation, than to be confirmed right after the fact, when it's a fait accompli!!

Anonymous said...

Bizarre? This coming from the guy who said:

1) AR15s are so dangerous and make it easy to kill a lot of people
that they should be banned, but that they are too tough to use for home

2) Women (or men) will have an easier time defending their lives
with a long and heavy twelve gauge double barrel shotgun that has huge
recoil than a much lighter, much smaller recoiling AR15 for home defense
- nevermind that the shotgun only has two shots, too.

3) If a woman "thinks there is an intruder" she should "fire two
blasts down her balcony" or "fire two blasts through the door" -
nevermind identifying the target first, or what is behind it as any
young child learns in basic gun safety and that this advice is both
illegal and immoral

4) He pushed banning AR15s and using shotguns for defense even if
meant "saving one life" - yet FBI stats show that shotguns are used in
more homicides than all forms of rifles put together

5) His boss blew away a 16 year old US citizen with a drone strike
that they refuse to discuss - sort of like the Fast and Furious op - and
other people are the bizarre and crazy ones?

Anonymous said...

Notice how Biden wouldn't answer the question? Just heckle? That's what he's good at.

The cabal will usually come out and say what they are planning to do, not long before they do it.

So it is the case with Biden.

Anonymous said...

How does one deal with the 4473s that were on file at an FFL that was shut down, and forms subsequently confiscated?

Can you deny having said long guns?

Anonymous said...

Time to feed the pigs and water the tree, real soon now.