The ORIGINAL gathering place for a merry band of Three Percenters. (As denounced by Bill Clinton on CNN!)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Sean Sorrentino advises: Tomorrow last full day for the Gunwalker T-Shirts
I am closing orders for the Gunwalker T-Shirts on Friday at about 4pm. That means that tomorrow, Thursday, is the last full day of ordering for the shirts. It's taken 3 weeks to get a decent order together, so unless the Gunwalker Scandal goes absolutely crazy, this will almost certainly be the last chance to order shirts.
And thanks for all the support before. I don't think I will have nearly enough for the Kriss Vector that I wanted, but I think I might be able to get a Ruger 10/22. Sarah Brady will still cry about that, right?
Thanks for the link. Now if I could only get Congressman Issa to appear on Fox News wearing his Gunwalker T-Shirt.
He's a smart dresser; he could wear it under a Navy suit coat then pull it open during an appropriate time during a media interview!
I put in a nice order for myself and friends and family. Get 'em while you can folks! Just love to tweak the corrupt establishment.
Gotten great comments on mine. Well worth the money!
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