Friday, August 12, 2011

Once again, words fail me.

Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood, Wears Hooves.

“I had a feeling of being superhuman. I was not normal in my body. I had all of the emotions of a herbivore. I couldn’t sleep and I felt a little bit like a horse.”


Bad Cyborg said...

If she wants to explore interspecies relationships why doesn't she get a gerbil?

I know which part of a horse _I_ think she most reminds me of but I'll let you guess. Something about south facing and north bound.

Bob said...

Does this explain Sarah Jessica Parker, do you think?

wv: hariar. The sound Sarah Jessica Parker makes when she sees someone approaching with a feedbag.

Oakenheart said...

Ah, the wonderful legacy of the Frankfurt school. Sonofabitches should have been kicked out of the US when they came here.

Anonymous said...

This is what passes for art? Whatta nag.


Sean said...

Sarah Jessica Parker? What was she doing out of bed?

Anonymous said...

I've studied immunology and have a Ph.D. in medical microbiology. Her immune system at this moment is mounting a massive antibody response to the hundreds of foreign proteins in the horse blood. Immune complexes will start to block capillaries, forming petechiae (small red blotches under the skin). Stay tuned for more failures than words - like kidney, spleen, and/or liver. If she waits a few weeks and does it again, she will probably die, but don't tell her that.

Who says there ain't no justice?!

Can you say 'idiot'?

W W Woodward said...

Heinlein said something in one of his novels about what ought to be done with someone who reads his own poetry in public.

Did people actually pay to see this exhibition or was it totally funded by tax payers' dollars?


DC Wright said...

Un-freaking-believable! What an idiot. Oh, well, God will deal with her... AND the horse she rode in on!

Anonymous said...

Jonathan Livingston Seabiscuit

Dedicated_Dad said...


Not by this artwork, but by all you neigh-sayers.

I saw something similar in Tijuana once, which also included the injection of equine proteins - but to my understanding Catherine The Great was the first famous artist to work in that particular "medium"...

One wonders if she considered using a mule, thus bringing a THIRD species into her piece?

And now the final question: To which "she" (and what "piece" do I refer?

Dedicated_Dad said...

Jokes aside, the STILTS were, imho - the only "art" present. They were kind of cool!

Anonymous said...

Can't be any worse than believing in the ritual cannibalism that is transubstantiation.