Gunwalker: President Obama’s Un-Plausible Deniability
With this level of cooperation across at least three (Homeland Security, Justice, Treasury) departments and among at least eight directors, with long-term personal contacts between friends and political allies that have been fingered as key players in this scandal, and with the president’s own words and deeds regarding his radical views towards gun rights in this country, is it rational to believe the president and his closest advisers had nothing to do with this murderous plot?
When we see a cover-up being orchestrated, we should rationally assume that the cover-up exists to hide criminal culpability. When we see corruption spread across the highest and most connected levels of government, we should rationally assume that the person at the top, President Obama, likely was involved.
With the latest evidence, Barack Obama and his co-conspirators no longer have plausible deniability. It remains to see how they will fare with criminal culpability, as more whistleblowers come forward from Justice and DHS to avoid prison time themselves.
IT IS ONLY RATIONAL TO BELIEVE that this obama person is exactly what he appears to be and that is an illegal alien Socialist FRAUD squatting in our White House as part of an international conspiracy to undermine America, usurp her Just Laws and steal the sovereign authority of the American People. Imprison him. Try him. Hang him. I don't care which comes first just do it quick. Then do the same with the downhill-flowing excrement that enabled him.
I wish someone would ask the FBI why the NICS check did not work, or was thrown to the side in this scandal. Why should any American have to go through this process if the system is so flawed that over 2000 guns were sold and no sales stopped? Someone in the FBI should be answering questions.
To Female III:
bassett III
Can I pull the rope?? Please, Please, PRETTY PLEASE.
Short ropes and tall trees are the solution.
Hi Mike,
Up until the moment that Nixon went up to the podium and resigned, I thought he'd never conceed. I have that same feeling about barry too except that he's too arogant to step down. Will humptybama fall, or will he be....pushed...?????
Obeyme has "plausible deniability" in F&F the same way he didn't absorb any of Rev Wright's teachings for 20 yearsof attending the Rev's hate-filled church.
B Woodman
wv: manglem = an action you take to destroy an enemy
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