Monday, August 8, 2011

Another arterio-schlerotic country heard from.

The Juvenility of Gun Lovers and NRA Members.


Kevin Patrick said...

Kind of a shame to have to share a State with that man.

Dear, Sir:
"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

-- Samuel Adams

Walter Zoomie said...

God God what a tool.

Longbow said...

What a coward!

Dedicated_Dad said...

My comment:

Seems like the author's gone senile in addition to being proud about turning into a woman.

Yes, a gun DOES "equalize." I hope our "enlightened"he ro never meets a strong young man with evil intent-but if he does he'd still likely suffer a lesser fate than what he wishes to force on my Mother, Wife & Daughters.

Do such idiots REALLY pine for a world where all weaker folk are at the mercy of the stronger?

How can they be so CRUEL?!

One also notes that the author resides in WV, where guns are more common than house-cats, and wonders if he and his ilk REALLY believe all the guns owned by their more reality-based neighbors don't also protect THEM?

If so, I challenge them to either *PROVE* their convictions by posting a big sign on their property reading "THIS HOUSE IS A GUN-FREE ZONE!" - or be marked for the hypocrites and idiots they really ARE.

Then there's the fact that in the last century many times more innocents died at the hand of GOVERNMENT guns than by criminals' - and all of THEM after passage of "reasonable gun-control" laws...

Question: should the Jews have just gone ahead and killed their OWN women and children, or were they right to stand placidly by and wait for the Nazis to get around to doing it?

Like your messiah, "Let me be clear": I am but one of MILLIONS of Americans who is alert & sane enough to know that IT *CAN* HAPPEN HERE.

We WILL NOT disarm.

How many of us are you PERSONALLY willing to kill to bring about your "non-violent" fantasy-land utopia?

If "none", how many are you willing to have murdered in your name by the armed agents of your "utopian" State?

Reality check: there are more of us than there are cops and soldiers, by several orders of magnitude, most of THEM are our brothers and children, and even if that were NOT so, we're the ones with the guns because we aren't "askeered of 'em."

Ergo, you MIGHT want to ponder a bit on the ramifications of the policies you're pushing...

Most of all, one final, serious question: why push for something any reasonably-intelligent person can see would be horrible beyond description, rather than pick some gun-free "paradise" elsewhere on the planet and *GO*!!

Essentially, what we have here is a male (not MAN) who believes that if all the icky guns were just made illegal, all violence would magically disappear and the grown-ups (.gov/cops/etc.) would keep him safe from all the monsters, accusing of "immaturity" the rest of us who KNOW there are bad people in the world and thus maintain both the tools and skills necessary to protect OURSELVES.

I'm really surprised such cognitive-dissonance isn't PAINFUL...

Dennis308 said...

Juvenility = Childishness

This man(?)lives in his own childish world.


Brock Townsend said...

Absurd. All I could come up with to comment was "Dingbat."

W W Woodward said...

My Comment:

None of my unalienable rights are up for debate. I repeat, NONE OF THEM! Do you understand that?


Anonymous said...

"Guns are toys of juveniles."

Huh? I thought you had to be 18 to buy a long gun and 21 to purchase a handgun.

No juveniles permitted! (sorry I couldn't avoid the juvenile humor). ;^)


Anonymous said...

This guy isn't alone in his lack of clear thinking on the subject of guns.

Within the last month a relative said that sites like this one scared the bejeezus out of him and should be shut down and/or censored. He also stated that groups like threepers and oathkeepers were the strongest argument for gun control he had ever heard because they would eventually cause a civil war.

When I inquired how he proposed to implement his plan for disarming said groups without provoking the very civil war he thought they would cause I got a lot of hysterical hand waving.

And, heaven help us, this relative teaches AP American History in a public high school.

Anonymous said...

His web-design is much like her terminology: stuck in the 90s. "Saturday night specials"? For real? Someone actually used that term seriously in the last 15 years? The "packing heat" like the "Old West" myth? Even if it was true, were my rights theoretically more "rights" than they are now? For what reason?

And of course the "Constitution is ambiguous" lie, which is so demonstrably stupid if it doesn't cause either a seizure or the pangs of a seizure whenever you encounter it, you yourself are probably someone who believes it.

Anonymous said...

Money quote:
"A skinny kid can down a muscular brute with just the pull of a trigger."
That's the point, Einstein. Force multiplication. The muscular brute will weigh the consequences of his actions much more carefully if his target has teeth.

Anonymous said...

Deaf people have a saying for this type of person considering his prior occupations and "higher education" it applies. 'Many brains but stupid'...

Kevin Patrick said...

I wrote a letter to reply, and the news organization posted it.

--- KP