Sunday, January 2, 2011

Stupid is as stupid does.


HonourableMeans said...

Here was my take on same:

Pat H. said...

That's not stupidity talking, it's a deliberate delivery of the progressive/fascist meme of the "living Constitution", that it "means exactly what we say it means, nothing more and nothing less" on any given day.

It shows the fear the progressive/fascists are feeling as they begin to visualize their failure in the offing.

We FreeFor need to pour it on.

The progressive/fascist is correct about one thing, though, and that the Republican lib service in reading the Constitution in the HoR is meaningless without action.

I expect no action of any kind that will enhance our freedom.

Anonymous said...

Effing moron this Klein ! Perhaps Klein should have asked where the US federal government derives it's authority from.

Just one more reason I shit-canned my TV....the MSM and the morons they promote.


Anonymous said...

OMG, you have GOT to be kidding me.
A five year old understands the Constitution better than this doofus.

Bad Cyborg said...

Typical leftist blather.

Obviously this not-yet-dry-behind-the-ears "pundit" is a product (and an excellent example of the results of) of our modern leftist-controlled education system. Anything written more than 100 years ago is impossible to understand.

And I will agree to some extent. A lot of people have no idea what the "well regulated militia" clause in the 2nd amendment means. It has nothing to do with "regulations" and everything to do with proper function.

But this young ignoramus has no idea that the framers of the constitution left us a significant body of commentary from which to LEARN what they meant when they wrote the constitution. But folks like him WANT the constitution to be difficult to understand so it can better be twisted to their own ends, hence the remark about different people interpreting it according to their own desires.

I may be (almost certainly am) a cynic but I don't think reading the constitution will change anything either. Those in power on both sides have no intention of following it. Following the constitution would reduce their personal power. And rare indeed is the man who, once having amassed power, voluntarily relinquishes it. The kind of people who work to amass power and seldom the type to want to give it up.

Bad Cyborg X

Anonymous said...

What a Jackass!May curses be upon him and all his like.

pdxr13 said...

"over a hundred years ago..." he means over 200 years, right? Unless he's thinking of "The Communist Manifesto" as his Constitution....

Last time I looked at the founding documents, they seemed to be written to the 9th grade reading level, like an Air Force Technical Order. Big ideas, but not difficult to understand explanations.

What a maroon! (Bugs Bunny laugh here).

Anonymous said...

"Written over a hundered years ago..."

God help us all...

Brock Townsend said...


Anonymous said...

This guy should really, really shut up.

No, on second thought, he should keep running his mouth. I like it.

Anonymous said...

No binding power? Can't understand it because its so old? Its not like they are speaking of the Bible written in Aramaic ... though they could be.

So, lets run a cattle prod up his ass after sleep depriving him for a decade or so and lets hear him scream about his constitutional rights.

TPaine said...

How can you comment on a moronic upheaval of verbal vomit like this? However, in fairness, this is exactly what most of Congress and our POTUS think of the Constitution. We Christians are used to this, because we have been hearing for centuries that the Bible is an old document written thousands of years ago and no longer relevant.

Looks like we're in for a long winter's night! Keep the guns at reach and the powder dry.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me our education system has failed. The founders wrote the document so the common farmer could understand it and defend it. We have ,in some cases, educated ourselves into being dumbasses. Just how stupid do they think the American people are?

Anonymous said...

And there you have it.

The Constitution has no power over anything and "it's confusing because it was written over a hundred years ago."

That is the liberal MO in brief: assert, distort, deny and confuse.

Somebody have young Ezra on their list?

rustynail said...

What a maroon. September 17, 1781 - January 2, 2011 is over 200 years ago, rather than 100 years ago. However, the age is not the issue, it is still the document controlling the U.S. Federal Government. rustynail III/OK

rustynail said...

What a maroon. September 17, 1787 - January 2, 2011 is over 200 years ago, not 100 years. However, the age is not the issue, the Constitution is still the controlling document of the U.S. Federal Government, even though Congress neither pays attention to it nor respects it.
rustynail III/OK

Defender said...

"Written over 100 years ago..."
Yep, when I saw the painting of Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee hammering out the Constitution on that little square end table at Appomattox, I knew there'd be trouble later with reading it.

When I was in high school, the history teacher passed over the Founding and the Founding Documents with the merest touch. I can only image what it's like today. On to the UN Declaration of All the Human Rights We Deign to Allow You, I guess.
I only began to learn what a miracle the Constitution and Bill of Rights are when I bought a gun and began learning about freedom and the surrender of it.
Klein is another useful idiot among many, the need for whose anti-freedom propaganda seems to be going away, God help us.
What then?

Anonymous said...

He's saying that reading Constitution on the floor is not binding in any way. And it's not? He's not saying the Constitution isn't binding.........

Deacon Matson said...

I weep for the future.

Anonymous said...

Why do they entertain asshats by giving them a podium for their puke? I didn't watch it. The title told enough.

Anonymous said...

Let him ((and all the rest of the libturd pundits) keep flapping their gums. It makes it easier to identify friend from foe and makes them easier to shoot in the dark.

B Woodman

Mark Matis said...

Unfotuntely, MOST OF the putrid stench of evil passed off as "Law Enforcement" in the US AGREE with him. Maybe not by their words, but by their actions. AT BEST, the so-called "good cops" merely look the other way when their pig buddies dishonor their oath to "...preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution..." Always ready to play good ol' Sergeant Schultz - "I see NOTHING!"

May they rot in hell for what they have done to this country.

Anonymous said...

Klein: Yes, the Constitution is binding...

'Course, there's still the problem of people like Klein refusing to admit that things like "shall not be infringed", and "Congress shall make no law" might actually possibly mean what they mean to just about anybody who didn't go to law/journalism school.

Anonymous said...

What Mark Matis said, we have that attitude in our town, which is in WY of all places, and I don't mean in Jackson Hole(what a perfect name), but in a town under 5K people. Friggin morons. We are their masters, not vice versa.

Anonymous said...


These people aren't stupid (aside from the fact that they are Marxists) they have nearly accomplished their goals. They have almost seized power and are trying their damnedest to do so, even now.

If they succeed, you know what will happen because it happens every time. They are many things but stupid isn't one of them when it comes to seizing power and keeping it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:46 is right, Klein is referring to the act of reading not being binding, not claiming that the Constitution itself is not binding. The title of the video in Youtube is mistaken.
I agree 100% with Bad Cyborg, twit Klein wants people to be intimidated away from actually reading the Constitution, so that the Left can twist it further away from its real meaning.

W W Woodward said...

@Anon 2:34

Kicking the poor little twit in the balls would probably be as difficult as shooting his brains out.

It's hard to connect with a non-existent target.
