Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Len Savage, reinforces a comment and question by "Reg T" posted here, and takes it directly to the agents on CleanUpATF.org.

"Any cop who will not stand up to his supervisors or management
when told to harass the public deserves no better himself."

Reg T, I don't know who you, are but would you drop me a note at GeorgeMason1776ATaolDOTcom? Thanks.



Dave said...

This is truly the age of the "Enabler." Nobody who SHOULD know better is stopping corrupt law enforcement administrators from committing their crimes against the Constitution and Humanity - not the "good cops," not the voters, not the jurors, NOBODY.

WarriorClass said...

The ATF is way past cleaning up. If you drop a steak on the floor it makes sense to pick it up and clean it off, but once it becomes putrid you throw it away.

The ATF has long ago become putrid.

End the ATF.


Anonymous said...

Well it's down the memory hole now...

W W Woodward said...

It appears that CleanUpATF.org has been cleaned out.

I'm getting the following when I attempt to follow the link:

An error occurred!

Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

[#10343] We could not determine which topic you were attempting to view.


Len Savage said...

As a member of that board I can tell you they got hacked yesterday I serious security breach from what I'm told.

The post is back up under discussion forums.

Looks like somebody is trying to divide and conquer....

The intel on Cleanupatf.org is causing concern to somebody...

Anonymous said...

Regarding Len Savage's comment to the effect that www.CleanUpATF.org was "hacked" and "had a serious security breach", he was misinformed. As Webmaster of the site, I can tell you that the issues he experienced were caused by a Forums software upgrade that misfired and corrupted some files. We reinstalled the entire package and everything was fine thereafter.

Although we appreciate the notion that our site is so vexing to the government that they tried to hack it, and although they have probably considered doing so, the fact is that we haven't yet been attacked (at least not successfully, knock on a wooden buttstock).

"See you" at CUATF, Len. :)