Thursday, October 7, 2010

Senor Melson takes a Mexican vacation. (I especially liked the part where they show RPGs that no doubt came from American gun shows.)

Of course, this isn't the first time that a U.S. administration has exchanged information with the narco-state of Mexico. I recall vividly when the Bushies shared the names of Minutemen, including yours truly, with the Mexicanos so they could be put on a Mexican border watchlist.


Pat H. said...

Just another episode by a government of thugs.

The entire US government is, and has been for over 150 years, as Murray Rothbard put it a criminal gang writ large.

Defender said...

"The LUCRATIVE E-Trace system."

The lucrative trade in Prohibited drugs.
Everybody wins... except the People.
28,000 killed in the Mexican War on Drugs, because "drugs are bad for you."
About 15 years ago there was a political cartoon showing drug dealers taking delivery of a PALLETLOAD of cocaine from South America. One says to the other that they should order some guns to be smuggled along with the next shipment because of the "assault weapon" ban.
"`Necessity' is the plea for every infringement on human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves."

Dennis308 said...

Ya know that if there are guns going to Mexico from the U.S. they are most likely coming from Law Enforcement Seizersat the City,County,State and Federal Levels. That would be my bet. There is TOO MUCH MONEY ON THE TABLE for for lawmen/women NOT to sell guns(that don´t exist anymore)to the Cartels.
Mayby I´m just paranoid but I don´t trust Goverment at any level anymore.

on the border!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the M203's that were in the shot before the RPG's! I wonder what gun shop they picked those up at? Cough American Military Aid to the Mexican Army cough.

Anonymous said...

"lucrative e-tracing system"?

WTH is that?

WP said...

Now the Sinoloa Cartel, the one that put Calderon in office, can see exactly which small timers are working with the other cartels on this side as even at training seminars, 85% is laughed at.

EJR914 said...
