Saturday, October 2, 2010

Obviously what Chicago needs is more citizen disarmament.

At least that's what Rahm Emanuel will be selling.


rexxhead said...

Q: Why are so many inner-city black families 'fatherless'?

A: Because there no longer is any penalty, neither economic nor moral, for bearing a child out of wedlock.

Until that's fixed, all other efforts are fools' errands.

Pat H. said...

The break down among black families is pervasive almost everywhere you look. I did one of my nursing school rotations in a nearly all black high school in Durham, North Carolina and it was the same there.

In a retrospective study, about 85% of black families had two at home parents in 1900, today that's less than 30%.

The primary cause was and remains progressive/fascist programs ginned up since the early 1960's. One can read about this in articles and books written by Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams.

Rahmbo Emanuel, a Chicago thug who is also an Israeli citizen, won't help the situation do anything except worsen.

Dedicated_Dad said...

I'm not seeing it...

The article is - mostly - about how the rampant bastardy in the ... "urban" ... community has produced the equally rampant tribalism and violence.

It posits what we Conservative-types have known for many decades -- that young men need the civilizing influence of mature men - Fathers - to turn them into productive members of society.

I don't see a thing in that article about guns...


Dedicated_Dad said...

Given previous comments, I think I should point out that the current bastardy rates among poor whites has risen to basically equal that of poor blacks -- whose rate has gone up exponentially since the "civil rights era."

One MAJOR cause of bastardy among the poor was ~40 years of welfare policy which essentially denied "benefits" to "families" with a man in the house.

"So... Lemme get this straight: If I keep my man, I don't get nothing - but if I kick him out then I get some cash, food, a place to live, free medical care, "energy assistance" and even more?"

It's not hard to see why most made the decisions they made.

Likewise, young women born into an inner-city "culture" where there's no real hope of being self-sufficient (because noone you know ever was) -- but, if you have a BABY then you get all of the aforementioned "benefits"?

Again -- no brainer.

This is further borne out by the fact that as people of all races move up the income-scale to middle class - ie:become self-supporting, where kids COST money instead of bringing it - the bastardy rate tends to fall among both populations as well.

Go figure.

Put another way, when you pay people to have kids they can't support, they do -- but when you make them responsible for their kids' expenses they tend to be more careful?


No kidding... (insert eye-roll here)

Fred Reed wrote a GREAT piece detailing how our .gov has created the mess that we now see - rendered even more (actually uncomfortably) poignant by his means of delivering the lesson -- see

I can think of no better example of the fact that when you create a .gov bureaucracy to "solve" a problem, both problem and bureaucracy will grow exponentially and without apparent limit. See also "war on drugs"...


Defender said...

Excellent analysis, Dad. Government knew going in that tearing down family homes to build public housing, encouraging single-parent households with support payments -- how did they survive before. Their FAMILIES, maybe? -- and also by ramping up taxes making it necessary for both parents to work outside the home...
They knew the decay it would cause. It's right there in the Communist Manifesto.