Friday, October 1, 2010

"If you don't think you are in a fight, wait 'til you get smacked in the mouth."

From Pete at WRSA comes the link to this trenchant observation at Tea Party News Central.

The One Nation rally (ironic in its title because it is meant to demonstrate vividly that there are two nations, theirs and ours), is meant to mark the lines in the coming civil war. There are those who intend to fundamentally change America into a Third World power where every dog gets a bite of the dirty hot dog and those who recognize that capitalism, especially where combined with American republicanism, makes every dog a king in his own yard.

The crucial difference between these groups, a thing missed completely by the Tea Party crowd, is that while the Glenn Beck rally and others are meant to demonstrate to the government the power of the people, this One Nation rally is meant to demonstrate to the Tea Party crowd the power these groups have amassed AGAINST them. That is a startling difference and all with the complicity, perhaps encouragement, of Barack Obama, President of the United States.

If you don't think you are in a fight, wait 'til you get smacked in the mouth.


T.L. Davis said...

As the editor of Tea Party News, thank you for highlighting my post. I enjoy your blog and have added you to my blogroll.

Uncle Lar said...

Go ahead and swing that fist.
It just so happens I have this sawed off, it's pointed at your belly button, and it has a hair trigger.
Your move A'hole.
And did I mention my friends out there with their deer rifles. Any one of them can hit an acorn at 100 yards, and I'll bet they can hit an Acorn at several times that.

Defender said...

Anonymous said...

The One Nation folks will know they're in a fight when they get SHOT in the mouth!

Seriously, the heated rhetoric these days sounds a LOT like the 1850s. Plenty of Fire Eaters to go around again, not to mention Copperheads, and the carnage will probably be worse this time.

All I can say to those statists who want to dominate my life is "Back Off! I am locked and loaded and WILL use deadly force to defend myself. I won't start anything, but if the left starts it, I will help finish them."


Defender said...

Mikey is scared of us. If we were irrelevant, he wouldn't be compelled to call us "nothing" and "nobody." He'd just ignore us.