This just in from The Trainer:
One of my guys was listening to Rush about 1400 - 1415 your time. A caller came on and before he did his thing, he told the guest host, Mark Steyn, he just wanted to say, "GO THREEPERS!" And Steyn, said, "Ok, GO THREEPERS!"
Thought you'd get a kick out of that.
Believe me, I do get a kick out of that. Outstanding. Maybe I'll send Mark an email to explain what he just cheered. I don't think he'll be too upset.
Go for it, Mike! Mention the Oath Keepers while you're at it.
You're going mainstream!
"Mention the Oath Keepers while you're at it"
Oath Keepers
Alarm & Muster
I was recently at a gun show wearing my Molon Labe cap. One of the vendors looked at me and said, "Nice hat". I said thanks and spontaneously put my hand across my heart with three fingers extended. He smiled and did the same. Did we just invent the "Threeper Sign"?
Maybe I'll send Mike a kick in the ass for being such an absolute shill for the RHINO wing of the Republican Party.
Hi suppression of Ron Paul's message and or any discussion re: same on both his show and web forums was truly pathetic.
It was interesting getting a peak into the R power structure through interactions with his folks. Oh no really we are the party of smaller government... except when we aren't....
Suck it Mark.
But great to hear Threepers getting props on El Rushbo.
Not every one who doesn't agree and march in perfect goose step with you is "an absolute shill for the RHINO wing of the Republican Party."
If you Ron Paul guys would stop insulting non hostile groups you could pick up a few converts.
Take a lesson in civil behavior from the guy you support I found him quite reasonable wish he was my rep.
Anon 7.01, didn't you see Star Wars when the guy kept saying,"Stay on target".?
Whoops - I hope this gets posted. I was drinkin' a little when I wrote this and 'Mike' should have been 'Mark' as in Mark Levin
"Maybe I'll send Mike a kick in the ass for being such an absolute shill for the RHINO wing of the Republican Party."
I meant Mark.
My apologies.
I shouldn't be drunk posting :)
"Mark" was Mark Steyn, I believe, not Mark Levin.
See also Steyn: Lights Out -- Islam, Free Speech And The Twilight Of The West
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