Friday, December 5, 2014

So, what enemy are they training to fight against? To repel an invasion from Mexico, perhaps? If so, they're too late.

Marines to train in Los Angeles for urban combat
So, what enemy are they training to fight against? To repel an invasion from Mexico, perhaps? If so, they're too late. That invasion has already succeeded. Or is it the armed citizenry of the United States?


j said...

If anyone expects the devil dogs to go against their own families, they might want to watch the scene in Braveheart where the Irish conscripts met Stephen the mad Irishman and the Scots on the battlefield The results were not quite as expected.

Anonymous said...

They're training for a Battle Los Angeles scenario.

Anonymous said...

Sad to say. The invasion from Mexico . And further south, is a complete success. 5400 Hispanic illegal's, have applied for. Are being tested for drivers licenses in Unconstitutional ,Collectivist, Ct. More potential votes for the Democratic Collectivist Party of Ct.[DCPC]. Behind Enemy Lines. We Will Not Stand Down. AAA/O.11B20.

Moe Death said...

The only problem with that is that particular scene is "Hollywood History." I believe the Scots actually massacred the Irish in that battle.

No, Domino, it's too early for the Bushmills...

Bill and Domino

Anonymous said...

They won't have to Mr. owl. If and when the second Civil War kicks off, the powers that be will just gas the hell out of everyone.

These aren't the "romantic" and "heoric" days of yer grand pappys where you meet on the battlefield with tank and machine gun and artillerly.

In all liklihood in this war you will just start convulsing for no apparent reason before dying.

Anonymous said...

They will get the first strike in.....then those prepared will respond in their own way, at the time of their choosing.
They are not as wise as Yamamoto.
The most dangerous weapon on the battlefield is still a well qualified Scout Sniper.

Anonymous said...

Its the 15th MEU. They are going on an overseas deployment. This is part of their pre deployment work-up.

Jimmy the Saint said...

@j: "If anyone expects the devil dogs to go against their own families, they might want to watch the scene in Braveheart where the Irish conscripts met Stephen the mad Irishman and the Scots on the battlefield The results were not quite as expected."

Actually, there was a study a while back that showed that a good percentage of marines (and in particular, around 80% of the Hispanic ones) stated that they would follow orders to shoot American citizens. Can't vouch for the accuracy of the study, but it is out there.

Anonymous said...

Love what you do Mike, but we've been doing this for 2 decades. The USMC MEU(SOC) program uses mid to large cities for their work ups to exercise urban reconnaissance, as part of their pre-deployment qualification. Nothing to see here. There are several cities that are routinely used. I've personally been in San Diego and L.A. for the same exercise.

Anonymous said...

They are there on our behalf to STOP Californians escaping to America ...


Go Devil Dogs!

Semper Fi

Anonymous said...

Whether they're training for a fight against Americans in this particular case is something I don't know. What I definitely DO know is that the US military has followed orders to turn its weapons on American citizens several times in the past. There is absolutely no reason to think they won't do so again in the future.

Even after that happens yet again, most Americans will still be swallowing and regurgitating the propaganda about how "our" troops "fight for our freedom" and "serve our country."

America's Founders knew about the dangers of big government and a standing army. Modern America has long forgotten that wisdom, so the lesson will be learned again the hard way.