Friday, December 5, 2014

Perhaps we can make you notice our defiance, however.

Expansion of background checks won't be noticed by responsible gun owners


Anonymous said...

Just saying.Sometimes I wonder if Bloomberg's mentor was that wealthy Soviet agent, communist , "capitalist", and Wall Street insider Armand Hammer. Just like Al Gores father seemed to be. Behind Enemy Lines/Collectivist/Ct. We Will Not Stand Down. AAA/O. 11B20.

Dakota said...

"responsible gun owners" ..... as with the word "terrorist", it depends on WHO is making that determination....

Anonymous said...

For a felon these background checks are an infringemnt of the 5th Amendment - settled law a felon cannot be compelled to self-incriminate. No background check can be enforced.

To remain 'law abiding' any transfer is subject to fees and checks at a Dealer. Money and travel to a specified place.

... and this makes it more difficut for felons?


Felonious Lurker

Robert Fowler said...

If every dealer in the state refused to do background checks on anything not in their inventory, what then? To be legal, if a dealer does a background check, the gun has to be entered into the bound book with the information of the person it was received from. Then the recipiant has to fill out a 4473, background check done by the dealer and his info entered into the bound book.

We have to keep those books and forms for 20 years. The only exception is if we go out of business. Then all bound books and 4473's are sent to the ATF record office in, I beleive, Atlanta. You think they just stack those up in boxes? They have people entering all of that info in a database.

All of these background check schemes are nothing but backdoor registration. I'm not planning on going out of business, but I'm not in the best of health and who knows what will happen down the road.

I look for the government to start making it harder for FFL's to renew their licences. Kind of like durning the Clinton years when they got rid of thousands of "kitchen table" dealers.

Paul X said...

"The goal is to protect law-abiding citizens while making it more difficult for convicted felons to obtain guns. "

So... if it fails in that aim, can we count on you to advocate repeal?

No? I didn't think so. This bill affects only the law abiding, and makes their life more difficult. That is how the law-abiding are "protected" in your Orwellian-speak. Fortunately though, it also expands on the opportunity of men and women, not so submissive, to flout the law. There's a silver lining around every dark cloud.

WA State Threeper said...

All of this is moot. The US Constitution is the supreme law of the land an any law which is written against it is null and void according to the US Supreme Court decision Marbury vs. Madison. The 2nd amendment to the Constitution states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Since "infringe" means to "act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on" this initiative clearly violates the Constitution and according to Marbury vs. Madison, is null and void.