"Democrats Commit To Destroying Remainder Of Their Influence With Gun Control Focus." Perhaps, but that won't do those of us behind enemy lines any good. Time for the prags to "shoot, sh-t or hit the fence."
Sensing his original plan has overloaded his ass, Alan Gottlieb urges trying the same thing, only harder.
Democrats are shifting their control obsession to the state level after the 2014 national elections proved to be a donkey slaughterhouse, with the only positive news coming in Washington State, where the problematic I-594 “universal background checks” initiative became law. The initiative process is now the vehicle of choice for gun control advocates, as the “mob vote” bypasses republican democracy and essentially allows the rich to buy laws as long as they are willing to commit enough advertising dollars. Nevada and Arizona are the next targets for gun control initiatives. Thankfully, the initiative process is limited to a handful of mostly western states.
Perhaps, but we're still staring at each other over rifle muzzles in CT, NY, MD and CO. The re-elections of Malloy and Hickenlooper are being counted by the domestic enemies of the Constitution as big wins for them -- and they are. Likewise, such whistling past the graveyard doesn't do the folks in Washington state any good. Unfortunately, the "major gun groups" in that state, as they style themselves, are attacking the organizers of Saturday's action at the state capitol in Olympia. Some are already pushing "compromise" schemes on background checks for when the legislature next meets in the stated purpose of "preventing worse things from happening." That this is a recipe for continued defeat doesn't seem to have occurred to them. What they don't understand is that, having failed themselves to defend our rights, they cannot hold the rest of us to their defeatist appeasement plans. By our actions we will drag them kicking and screaming into this fight whether they like it or not. We will, with the reflexive help of those domestic enemies of the Constitution which we share, motivate the "pragmatists" into unwilling cooperation. Either that, or they can declare personal defeat, go home and clear the battlefield for the rest of us.
I have been called, in some quarters, "The Malcolm X of the gun rights movement" (and not with any sense of admiration or approval). I have been criticized for "scaring the white folks," "frightening the straights" and "alienating possible allies." Well, okay. But the fact of the matter is that doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result is both a plan for defeat and the definition of crazy. We are moving into a new paradigm of this fight and the so-called "leaders of the gun rights movement" in Washington state will (in the words of friend of mine back in Alabama) have to "shoot, shit or hit the fence."
Another friend of mine back in Alabama has a bumper sticker on his pickup. It says, "When the people lead, the leaders will follow." Otherwise the so-called leaders will be made irrelevant and no one will send them money anymore. As at the Bundy Ranch, the ground is shifting beneath their feet. Lead. Follow. Or get the hell out of the way.
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