Tuesday, December 2, 2014

"Can Police Stop Killing Dogs?"

"Battered by lawsuits and angry public opinion, some agencies are searching for a way to stop shooting pets. Humane organizations, dog behaviorists, and police trainers say officer education is the answer."


Anonymous said...

Officer education. Sounds good. Like tree stump education. They should have been educated on how to be a civil person in childhood.

Anonymous said...

Well hello Captain Obvious. Combine officer education (of course cops are the only ones that have to be educated that you shouldn't shoot someone's dog, moronic thugs) with actual punishment (fines, jail time, loss of job, restitution) and dog shootings would stop.

Anonymous said...

Ask a postal carrier they deal with them everyday.

Anonymous said...

Can the government stop stealing money from me?


Anonymous said...

Sooner or later somebody is going to kill a cop or two, for shooting their dog.

Most of the video shot by civilians would indicate that the police really don't care that they are killing a family member. Not much trigger time in mall town America.

Police are exempt from prosecution in most instances because all they have to say is that the animal constituted a danger to the public.

You can see in this video that the officers were intending to kill the dog but couldn't get the angle because the animal was moving away from them.


Phelps said...

Sociopaths generally do not respond to therapy. I don't think you can "educate" them out of it either.

CowboyDan said...

They should have been educated on how to be a civil person in childhood.

But they weren't. Shame dogs can't shoot back, ain't it?

MadDawg308 said...

Education isn't the answer, common decency is. Too bad more and more Americans no longer have any.

Anonymous said...

Stop hiring low I.Q. petty tyrant psychopaths. That ought to put a stop to most of the puppy-cide. This type of thing didn't happen 40 years ago when the test was harder. I took the written test for both NYPD and NY Transit Police in '91. They were separate entities then. Scored a 99% on the NYPD and left 1 1/2 hours into a 3 hour allowance for the test. It was so simple it was ridiculous and the scary thing was all the people in the room who looked like they were being asked Einstein's theory of relativity. I wouldn't want any of them to have a gun and a badge..

Informed42 said...

'Officer Education' is just another bull shit lip service comment to try and pacify people.
The cops will just keep pulling their shit and get away with it as often as they can without it costing them or their departments any big bucks. Only when it costs them and their departments a lot of money, do things change.

It's just like the most common excuse you hear these days for an officer involved shooting of a member of the public. It was for
'officer safety', so that's supposed to automatically make it alright and justified. And that's bull shit too, in all too many cases.

Officers know the potential hazards of their jobs before they ever take them. So why do they think they're any more special than the average citizen ??

It really gets my ass out a mile when a LEO gets killed and all you hear in the news is that he left a wife and x number of kids, so everyone should feel sorry for them. Bull shit. Who's supposed to feel sorry for the unarmed dog or person the bad ass blew away ?

If they and their wives are so concerned about their safety, maybe they should consider some other line of work !!

Anonymous said...

"Officer education".
Ha ha ha.
You're dealing with people who always wanted to be bullies when they were kids, but weren't able to.

Anonymous said...

Equality is the answer here. When cops are held to the same standard as every other Citizen this nonsense will end.

Title of Nobility is the problem. Adhering to the constitutions ban on it is the answer.

MissAnthropy said...

"Stop hiring low I.Q. petty tyrant psychopaths. That ought to put a stop to most of the puppy-cide. This type of thing didn't happen 40 years ago when the test was harder."

Unfortunately, hiring low IQ petty tyrants is policy. There are police agencies who actually screen out candidates for having too high an IQ. No joke.

They claim it's because some workplace psychology research shows high IQ people become too bored by the job, but I think we know that is unmitigated BS. They want room temperature IQs because such persons are intelligent enough to perform complex tasks but still low enough to be robotic order followers.

All tyrannies require a cadre of thug enforcers.

Anonymous said...

The short answers is: No they cannot stop.

Since escalating from tearing the wings off flys they now kill dogs in preparation for killing innocent people.

Typical pathalogical progression ... for which there is only one permanent cure ...


TdB said...

The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence. -Their uncle, Adolf

Paul X said...

It seems that sympathy for dogs is greater than sympathy for people harmed by cops. Never made a lot of sense to me.


Anonymous said...

Will people please get it through their heads,that the Police are being encouraged to Murder Dogs because the "Powers That Be", want to Try and activate the "Kill Switch" in them, so the Police will Ready to Try and commit Genocide against the American people,when so ordered by the Tyrants in Washington of both political parties.

It has been known for centuries,that if a person can be made to Kill A Dog without conscience,than it is just a:"Hop,skip and a jump" from that, into being made to Try an Murder people in mass numbers.

The so-called "Authorities", have no intention what so ever,of toning down the Police Killings of Dogs...They want the Police to increase the number of Killings,extending those Killings onto Humans!

Anonymous said...

No police officers have ever been killed by a dog, so their fabricated fears are all bulls%t


let that sink in

oughtsix said...

The dogs may not be able to shoot back, but their 'parents' could.

Nothing would 'educate' the thugs like being shot themselves.