Friday, December 5, 2014

And this is so hard to believe? Not if you accept the FACT that public schools are merely collectivist indoctrination camps.

Denver High School Protesters Accused of ‘Reprehensible’ Actions


THEBigFatPanda said...

"And this is so hard to believe?" Not when you see an increasing number of stories and/or videos of cops beating, tasering, kicking, punching, flash banging, raping, choking out, shooting and KILLING people ranging from babies to homeless campers to elderly women.
And I'm supposed to feel sorry for the average cop who gets his ass handed to him in a street fight or gets run over? Call me all the names you want but I just can't find it in me to do so. Too bad because this guy "looks" like he's a decent guy BUT karma is a cast iron bitch and she takes no prisoners.
If I remember correctly, even the Bible references the sins of the father being visited upon the sons up to seven generations?
You cops reading this, let me give you a free word of advice: CLEAN UP YOUR OWN FUCKING HOUSE and STOP beating the crap out of people!!! Try talking first instead of whipping out the taser or gun!! Stop escalating situations when there's no reason to do so!! Above all PROSECUTE these S.O.B's in your ranks and put them away where they can't hurt people again!!
We are NOT your natural enemy, damn it!! But through YOUR actions, we are fast becoming your passive enemy!!
Will we come hunting you in the night? No, I don't think so for the majority of us. BUT, I am convinced you WILL see more displays like this because...listen carefully now...YOU have brought us to this point!!!
You want our respect and help? To quote John Houseman, get it the old fashioned way; EARN IT!!
Rant off.

Oregon Hobo said...

Remember who we're talking about here. The DPD has a long history of beating people like it's a sport. We haven't already forgotten the 2008 DNC t-shirt, have we?

So perhaps one might argue that the officers mentioned in the article were decent guys, but if so, how does one account for their willingness to align themselves with such an infamous organization by donning its uniform? Uniforms carry meaning, and it's entirely fair to make judgments based on those uniforms.

Remember, we're not talking about a stigma that one is permanently stuck with for life, fairly or unfairly (ie skin color) here. One limits one's ability to cry about unfair association when oneself is doing the associating.

Makes me think of this.

If an LEO wants to identify himself as a good guy, he/she would do well to put some thought into the matter. Maybe slap on an OK patch, and be ready to answer questions about what it means.

Ok, flame away.


* presently residing in Denver

Anonymous said...

For a decade or more, the federal government has pushed police to become more militarized. The goal, Mr. Obama said, was to have a civilian national security force just as strong, just as well funded as the military.

Some police actions have been excessive. But most day to day cops carry out their business pretty much as usual. No MRAPS, no flashbands, no M16s.

Now the progressive government has sprung a trap. Every cop's move is to be suspect unless he wears a camera. Every cop who moves in self defense is now violating the perp's rights. As if by magic, mass demonstrations are mobilized coast to coast demanding "justice."

It may be the revolutionaries immersed in the federal government have a plan. Cops have been made to look bad, now it's time to back them into a corner.

It's as if the government has decided police are not going to be needed for martial law, so the feds shift gears. Maybe adjustments are underway to make sure the boys (and girls) in blue back off far enough to let an anti-constitutional revolution unfold.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it better myself, Panda.

Anonymous said...

[Watch] 10-Year-Old Girl DESTROYS Anti-Gun Reporter Mid-Interview

THEBigFAtPanda said...

Anonymous said...
Couldn't have said it better myself, Panda.

December 5, 2014 at 5:17 PM

Thank you, sir.
They say straight from the heart comes the truth and that's exactly what that was.

Paul X said...

I'm with Panda too. A pox on cops as far as I'm concerned. Just an occupying army in our cities.

However it is also true that the schools are collectivist indoctrination camps. John Dewey, one of the most influential men in the American "education" business, said, "You can't make Socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent."