Wednesday, December 3, 2014

And they call this the "Constitution State"?

In Connecticut, no First Amendment protections for discussing the public record


Sean said...

And the laws themselves are bullshit. In example after example, it is common for "officials" with power, of any magnitude, do just exactly what they please, and damn the common people, damn justice, damn everything that is not in that exclusive club bureaucrat. Everyone knows this. The law only means something that our masters say it does, from one end of this corrupt country to the other. THERE IS NO RULE OF LAW. Only rulers. Don't worry about a Ft. Sumter, Mike, they already got us in the bag. G*d forbid we ever do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

Hell! " ... legislators should rely on public opinion polls when interpreting our Constitution.” -McCarthy.

Get with the Progrom!