They may be smokin' the monster joint of self-deception, but the collectivists who want your liberty, your property -- and, if necessary, your lives -- keep on coming, as remorseless as rust.
Politicker reports: Bill de Blasio Walks Away From White House Meeting With Sweeping National Hopes.
Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio went down to Washington, D.C. today to meet with President Barack Obama, emerging emboldened that a “progressive movement” was sweeping the nation.
Meanwhile, George Soros' pet collection of collectivist children are smoking their own monster joint of self-deception: Media Matters Declares Victory over Fox News
“The war on Fox is over. And it’s not just that it’s over but it was very successful. To a large extent, we won.”
That this is delusional is evident from the FOX ratings. Indeed, the implosion of Obamacare discredits the entire collectivist mantra in a way that no spin-doctoring disinformation can save. The Emperor stands naked, the size of his dinky laughable, and the parents in the crowd are not amused as they cover their children's eyes. This does not mean, however, that the collectivists, or even Media Matters, are going away. Collectivism, if anything, is as remorseless as rust.
According to its strategic plan for the next three years, a copy of which was provided to The Huffington Post, Media Matters envisions shifting its focus to new, increasingly influential targets, including Spanish-language media, social media streams, alternative online outlets and morning and entertainment sources. It will enhance its state media and issue-based monitoring, as well as continue its focus on right-wing radio and legacy outlets. . .
Media Matters has also been branching out by doing investigative reporting and increasing its coverage of specific issues: gun violence, LGBT equality, energy and climate, immigration, the judiciary, the economy and women's rights. Moving forward, it hopes to hold an annual conference in Washington, develop a deeper network of activists and expand its technological capabilities. One idea is a new portal site and a system, currently known as "Project M," that will allow the group to better monitor the media landscape.
And as Time reports, this also holds true for the citizen disarmament wing of the collectivist campaign: Gun Control Activists Seek to Reboot After Newtown Shooting Momentum Fades: Learning lessons from the failed federal push.
Despite the cooling public opinion and legislative setbacks, gun control advocates argue Newtown has reignited the movement and taught them important strategic lessons. “This has been the biggest year on passing new gun laws than any year in the past two decades, including after Columbine. A lot has happened,” says Arkadi Gerney, who works on gun control for the Center for American Progress, a progressive Washington think tank. “There’s a growing, stronger movement. The progress that’s happening will eventually reach Washington.”
The collapse of federal background check legislation has led supporters to focus on local efforts. “I understand the pundits say that not enough got done this year, but next year is going to be even bigger,” says Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which formed in response to the Sandy Hook shooting. The group has since launched in all 50 states, modeling itself after Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Next year, the group is considering pushing a measure in a number of yet-to-be-determined southern and mountain states to charge parents or guardians of children who accidentally shoot themselves or others with criminal negligence for not locking up their firearms.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is working to establish himself as a counterweight to the powerful National Rifle Association, has said he plans on spending $12 million against anti-gun control candidates in the run up to next year’s election. And Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a nonprofit founded by Bloomberg and other urban mayors, is currently looking at around 12 states in 2014 where they will push legislation or initiatives on background checks, domestic violence and guns, better reporting of mental health records and expanding the class of prohibited purchasers.
So, yes, Virginia, there is a Devil and he is not going away. And he's recruiting friends:
These efforts will be aided by a new ally. Organizing for Action, President Obama’s grassroots advocacy group, largely sat out the federal background check debate because they were unprepared to launch a new effort so soon after the 2012 election. Now, OFA is working in communities across the U.S. to drum up support for changes to local, state and federal laws.
The electoral efforts paid off in November when Democrat Mark Herring won Virginia’s tight attorney general race. Kevin O’Holleran, Herring’s campaign manager, credits OFA’s work and direct mail and TV advertising by political action committees affiliated with Bloomberg and former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords for pushing his candidate over the top in a state that is home to the N.R.A.
The sheer waste of Bloomberg's money in Colorado and elsewhere taught them one thing: they need to spend more money. These people are very definitely, deluded on the particulars as they may be, not going away. We must therefore engage them on whatever level they choose to try to advance. That is one reason for the "Defy--Resist--Evade--Smuggle" campaign.
LOL, keep pushing, you little wannabe tyrants. We'be been holding our own pretty darn well without using the tools you're trying to take away. If you want to take the gloves off...heh heh heh...bring it on...
"Next year, the group is considering pushing a measure in a number of yet-to-be-determined southern and mountain states to charge parents or guardians of children who accidentally shoot themselves or others with criminal negligence for not locking up their firearms."
AKA "kick grieving parents while they are down". Yeah, that'll go over well.
Thanks for this post Mike, I needed a laugh this morning.
When they are reduced to resignations to avoid embarrassing election losses, they are not enjoying victory.
When they are declaring victory in the face of crushing ratings, they are not enjoying victory.
When the usurpers approval is matching that of his predecessor - while mainstream media attacked that man relentlessly while heaping endless praise on. " the one". They are not enjoying victory.
When half a century of democrat control demonstrates moral and physical bankruptcy in Detroit and three decades of that same communist minded debacle produces the same thing in Chicago ( and Illinois as a whole to boot ). They are not enjoying victory.
While the loyalists declare victory in defiance of actuality based reality, I am left to wonder just who they are trying to convince. Everyone else ((Tell a lie often enough and it will be believed) or if they find themselves simply trying to convince themselves in spite of their own lying eyes?
The purpose of DeBlasio's trip: The meeting, organized by the White House, had been called “discuss the ways in which the Obama Administration can serve as an active partner on job creation and ensuring middle class families have a pathway to opportunity.” Having big city mayors talk about the middle class is laughable. Few middle class citizens wish to live in crime ridden cities, with dangerous schools, and few public services. Middle class families have already taken their pathway to opportunity, and found it elsewhere.
“The war on Fox is over. And it’s not just that it’s over but it was very successful. To a large extent, we won.”
I think we have seen this strategy before someplace: declare victory then run like hell!
In this case "very successful" means watching your arch rival become the most successful network in spite of your efforts to destroy it.
The line in Fallen describes the Left well:
"evil just keeps on coming..."
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