Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Shall not be infringed evidently applies only to hermits." When it comes to guns, Dr. Ben Carson still doesn't get it.

If Carson does make a presidential run, and if he wants the gun rights advocate vote--and it's hard to imagine him getting far without it--he has a great deal to learn, and not much time in which to learn it.


smitty said...

More evidence that voting may not offer avoidance of tyranny?

Anonymous said...

Dr.Ben is a product of a corrupt Johns Hopkins Leftist view on many issues. Although he was attached to the Medical School the bias permeates both institutions. Look back at some of the laughable "studies" that JH published. I recall one in 2002 that "proved!" that's right, "proved!" with pure geometric logic that all the dozens of studies and stats showing increased private gun ownership = lower crime were wrong. They were also on board the "US military murdered hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians but covered it up" train.
Dr. Ben is a smart guy though and hopefully his mind is not closed to the empirical data or the Constitution. I'm assuming he is not swayed by the endless Black gun violence in Baltimore--if so, he is just another racist.

Anonymous said...

Another servant of the pepole who cannot get his mind around that he is not a master.

The: "I give you to have your constitutional rights and I can take them away" delusion.


Anonymous said...

I suggest we not be hasty in condeming Dr. Carson. Ho's a smart man, but even the smartest can be "mousetrapped" into responding to issues they haven't fully thought out. At least he's moral ! And that's a rare commodity on our current political scene !

I suggest, rather than vilify the man, we hoplophiles make the effort to patiently school the good doctor in all the ramifications of the current "gun issues". >Jeff

Anonymous said...

Can't vote for him, sorry. Knowledge of and respect for the Constitution and bill of rights, including but not limited to, the second amendment, is necessary in anyone I vote for.