Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Screwed up and missed this anniversary yesterday: An eyewitness account of the Boston Tea Party

Yesterday was again a rough one, folks, but I have no excuse for missing the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. Reminded by a long-time reader and faithful supporter of Sipsey Street, here is an excellent eyewitness account of that fateful day in history.


FG said...

Corrected link for Tea Party eyewitness account:


Paul X said...

"to run a gauntlet"

Strange that this mistake appears even 200 years ago. The correct phrase is "run a gantlet". Maybe this statement has been edited by a more modern writer, incorrectly in that case (supporting this supposition is the fact the piece is missing the usual misspellings from that period).

There was a minor kerfluffle a year or two ago in the libertarian camp on this anniversary. I wrote about it here:

FedUp said...

Is the Commonwealth of Massachusetts officially a police state yet?
