Monday, December 16, 2013

Another country heard from. More Predictable Collectivist Citizen Disarmament Bleating: "To Hell with the Second Amendment."

Good luck with that, Virginia.
See also: Our sick gun fetish is destroying us: Tea Party fantasies kill kids
And: Bill Moyers on the NRA: "The Armed Bully of American Politics"


SWIFT said...

There should be a "sin tax" established to tax stupidity. A form should be printed to determine the level of stupidity and the level of the tax. It would only have one question on it: Why should the public support your(Virginia Dare) philosophy of victim hood? The tax would be progressive; from confiscation of all assets, to a free ticket to the anti-gun, worker's paradise, in North Korea. Er, at gun point.

MamaLiberty said...

What a pity that reality eludes these people so completely. But we must not lose sight of the fact that it is all part of their true agenda. They want to take the guns out of our hands because they want to do things to us that we will not allow as long as we have guns.

I've given up trying to refute their insane claims or socialist bleating. None are the least interested in dialog or rational thought. All they want is control.

By what legitimate authority do these people pretend to control any life but their own? There is none.

Hefferman said...

In 2003 1,591 children age 0-14 were killed in auto accidents.
17,622 children were poisoned 2012.
Do we call for the elimination of cars, or useful chemicals, or drugs?

It is not about saving the children, but rather the elites having control of the people.
Please take the time to watch "Josey Outlaw" do a better job than I can explaining what it is really about.

Anonymous said...

I'm no fan of the NRA or LaPierre, but turns out he was right...the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with one.

Arapaho HS proved this just recently:

Anonymous said...

I think it's obvious that we need separate countries. One for the Marxist/socialists/progressives, ect, ect, ect (Obviously, that couldn't work without "Other people's money" as Thatcher pointed out), and another for the sane.

If at first you don't secede, try, try again!


Anonymous said...

Folks like motets hate the second amendment not because they really hate guns or gun owners but because they despise limitation of government itself. They prop up the bogus "NRA" in their attempt to hold on to the best disguised gun control group in the country. They love having a group they can claim to despise all the while it does their bidding in secret behind closed door "deals".

We would be BETTER OFF if their whippin boy was was dissolved and they were forced to argue openly against the right itself - instead of saying NRA, they would have to say rights, and they fear that honesty.

It's time to expose the NRA for what it is - a political double agent that serves the government master and the loyalist cause of limiting rights while increasing government authority over them - and us.

Anonymous said...

"(Shrewsbury) does not give a rat’s hindquarters what liberals (that is, neo-Leninists) think or say or do about anything. At this point in the dialectic, no dialogue is possible with them. They live in their own universe of lies and depravity." (One "Shrewsbury")

Liberal-lefty hoplophobes everywhere can just bite us.

Anonymous said...

You just have to wonder some times.

1. They think the Second Amendment gives us the right to bear arms.

2. They think the NRA is what has preserved the Second since the founding of the republic.

Let's just keep it that way, Shall we?

"Never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump!" -- W. C. Fields

Anonymous said...

"In 2003 1,591 children age 0-14 were killed in auto accidents.
17,622 children were poisoned 2012.
Do we call for the elimination of cars, or useful chemicals, or drugs?"
Not to mention if it were really about saving children these Fabian thugs would be more then eager to abolish abortion. But they defend it with every ounce of strength they have. But I guess 300,000 lives is outweighed by the Socialist Marxist agenda.