Wednesday, December 4, 2013

David Codrea's analysis of Bateman's Bold Bid for Bloody Civil War.

Military officer calls for nationwide gun-grab
That he can boast these achievements brings an assumed gravitas to the discussion he wants to start simply with his credentials. When such a man speaks out, there is a natural presumption of authority.
The problem is, his arguments don’t live up to that expectation, and rather quickly fall apart with just a superficial analysis.


Carl Stevenson said...

Another proof of the Founders, wisdom in fearing standing armies as instruments of oppression.
This oath breaker should be hanged alongside of the rest of the Obama regime.

Anonymous said...

If one takes ten minutes or so to poke around the web for "Lt. Col. Robert Bateman", it becomes quickly apparent that no one has a higher opinion of Bob than Bob himself.
Bob's problem is simple really. He takes himself so seriously that he leaves no room for anyone else to take him seriously at all.
It is a little distressing though knowing that there are shitheads like this wandering loose around the Pentagon.

oughtsix said...

Hate to say it but there's a whole lot of fun being had over this suppurating pustule of stalinism over at Pete's place:

Anonymous said...

There's a reason that LtCol is often referred to as Light Colonel.