Tuesday, December 10, 2013

CSGV says it's anti-American to decry violent seizure of Native Americans' land

CSGV wants to be seen as "protector of minorities," no matter how much revision of history that requires, and no matter how clearly their favored policies disproportionately disarm the very people they claim to "protect." Now, Native Americans have a brand new reason to ask CSGV some pointed questions about just whose side they are really on.


Anonymous said...

We can start to right the wrongs of the past by negotiating the return of Manhattan to the Indians with the refund of the $24. Hell, give them the whole state and forget the $24. Next up; what Indians did we steal California from?

Anonymous said...

More collectivist claptrap. Where I live, there are many people of Abenaki heritage. Most own guns, hunt, fish, and have even organized their own effort to keep the Missisquoi River clean. Quite a few belong to the gun club.

They feel they can protect themselves, and are not interested in do-gooders of any persuasion telling them what to do, or what guns they can own. They just want to be left alone, like everyone else.