Friday, July 5, 2013

Racial profiling fine for Bloomberg, indicates murderous intent for Zimmerman

Bloomberg, though, will never face life in prison for it, despite all the unarmed black and Hispanic men gun downed by the NYPD, following procedures he approves of. That's a damned shame.


Gordy said...

Oh but Bloomie faces a "death without parole" sentence when he stands before the Righteous Judge, Jesus Christ!

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is an ASS. Just because he is wealthy he thinks that his "poop don't stink" but I beg to differ. I will NEVER knowingly send one thin dime to that A-Hole. Next step is to find out what businesses he owns and place them on my BLACK LIST of DOOM.

Paul X said...

The rulers can do things that the peons can't get away with doing. Nothing new here...