Sunday, July 14, 2013

Peeling away the layers.

Barack Obama’s Lawlessness


Anonymous said...

The wikipedia link to Godwin's law, and the inevitable sink of political conversation to comparisons to Nazi Germany or Hitler, should point to this site, as the lead example.
You know of course, but don't care, that such mention, is taken as proof that your arguments are too weak to otherwise carry the day (but of course you have the alternate high ground of threatening your adversaries with a shot to the head or treason trials once your ilk has magically transformed our great land and people).
What an abscessed hole ...

Anonymous said...

They'll never get enough of the " gang of 535 " together to impeach Comrade Obama . Also it looks like you'll never even be able to tie his hands til his term runs out . Too many asskisser's like McCain and Graham .

Anonymous said...

Ya, Anon....

B/c there's NO COMPARISON to the Nazi regime, Stasi Police in E. Germany or the Communist states of China or the USSR in present day America.
