Monday, July 1, 2013

OUTSTANDING! "Commierado Mag Swap Successful On Day Law Takes Effect ."

I should have been there.


Ironwill III said...

There will be others. Continue to mend so you can make it to those. Thanks for your support.

Dakota said...

Looks like you would have had too many mags for this demonstration. The point was made by the gun owners of Colorado. It does not change the fact that now those citizens cannot buy high cap mags at their local gun shop or order them by mail. They can get them, and possession is not a felony .... yet. We keep losing ground, how far can we afford to go backwards? Time will tell and history will record it.

Sean said...

You should have been there IF you were in tip top shape. Please get well first, n' then head off for whatever is your destiny. Needless suffering is not a virtue. Besides, once you are in good shape, and feeling fine, think how much more of a rathscallion you can be. Scoundrels always cause more bile on the lips of their enemies, when they're on their game.