Wednesday, July 3, 2013

More civil disobedience in Colorado -- from a unique point of view.

Former Columbine, Virginia Tech students who lived through massacres defy gun laws in Fort Collins.
Former students who lived through the Columbine and Virginia Tech massacres joined demonstrators breaking a new law Tuesday when they exchanged high-capacity magazines outside Larimer County Justice Center.
A few more than 20 people stood in Civic Center Park to pass around 20-round and 30-round magazines that hold more than Colorado’s now-legal limit of 15 rounds.
“The argument we make ... is showing that what we’re advocating for is a piece of plastic and a piece of metal,” said Ken Stanton, wearing a Virginia Tech button-down shirt with a Springfield 9mm pistol on his hip while holding an ammunition magazine. “Civilly disobey unjust laws. It sends a message.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

" . . . when they exchanged standard-capacity magazines. .. . ."

There! Fixed it for you!

B Woodman