Saturday, July 6, 2013

Inclusion of pro-gun constable as plaintiff against open carry raises questions

"Today's Gun Rights Examiner report asks why a man was listed as a supporter of anti-gun legal action after he'd made his pro-gun position clear, and also asks what the gungrabbers were doing arranging a meeting with a senior judge four days before they filed their motion. This case stinks worse every time another layer is peeled back."


Anonymous said...

quote:" As lawful gun owners are the ones whose rights have been delayed, they ought to know what transpired in the judge’s chambers."unquote

And every other Judges quarters. This is where the deals are made, all over America. INCLUDING, the Supreme Court. Not only that, but serious political ideology movements are routinely deployed from Judges chambers, not to mention various crimes like extortion, fraud, etc etc. Here is one such example, that became a "hot potato", once it was leaked out....

here's the actual document. Unbelievable..

Notwithstanding that, something happened a few weeks ago concerning the NSA revelations, that is beyond comprehension, which has been outright suppressed by the MSM, to the point, even Glenn Greenwald refused to comment on least YET. This story is still ricocheting on the net. You MUST read it, as it has the most profound implications since the Big Bang. This story is still unfolding, but make no mistake, the powers that be are doing everything in their power to make it go away.

quote" It tells the tale of a government that is no longer “by and for the people” (to the extent that it ever was), but by and for a small intelligence establishment with the means to spy on and blackmail JUDGES, lawyers, officials and even the President. Lest there be any doubt about the extent to which the FBI and the NSA collaborate and cover for each other in these operations, a telling moment was accidentally caught on microphone after NSA head General Keith Alexander’s testimony in front of a Congressional hearing. Alexander and the NSA was vigorously defended at the hearing by FBI Deputy Director Sean Joyce, and after the meeting Alexander was overheard thanking Joyce for the FBI’s part in covering for the NSA operations.

youbetcha...JUDGES. Even FISA and Supreme Court justices..and of course...STATE DEPARTMENT god..whudda thunk. right. No wonder the FISA court just rubber stamps everything the NSA does. Well folks, living proof that our beloved US CARTEL is nothing but a blackmailing mob. This is why they HAVE to keep the MSM lid on this.

Anonymous said... case some of you may have missed Mikes post on General Alexander of NSA fame....

This fucker is dangerous to the entire world. After all, cyberwar can now destroy things AND people.

There's only ONE way to stop this whole ball of wax. Stop enabling it. And YOU know what that means.