Saturday, July 13, 2013

Big Sis retires from the secret political police business. See you at the war crimes trials, Janet.

U.S. Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano to resign, Sen. Schumer pushes for NYPD Chief Ray Kelly as her replacement.


SWIFT said...

Ray Kelly for head of the Homies? I've always felt Shumer was a piece of shit, with no redeeming qualities, but this is breathtaking. Just when I think things can't possibly get any worse.......

Anonymous said...

Good lord appointing Kelly anything but janitor would be just another bone headed move by the Obama administration.
So I guess it will actually happen then.

Scott J said...

Meant to call you when this broke yesterday but work intruded.

The move makes no sense to me. Why would someone addicted to power as her leave to run the University of California system (that's where I heard she's headed)?

Is she running from a yet unknown scandal?

Anonymous said...

Rats leaving the sinking ship?

Dakota said...

The list is a large one .... we will have to learn how to fast track or it'll take forever.

Anonymous said...

Ray Kelly is a nazi asshole on steroids.. he will make the DHS dyke look like a beginner and run DHS with an iron fist.. he is more an enemy of the people than should be allowed in public service.. the country will look like NYC in months with random searches and the rest.. piss on Ray Kelly and his treason.

Yank lll

Anonymous said...

Maybe SHTF time is close and Bammy needs someone with experience to shape up his civilian army to quell the rebellion. Who better than Kelly unless Martin Dempsey? Oops, forgot, Dempsey will be coordinating the army to work with DHS. Dang, it's gonna be a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Notice the supreme gun-grabber who is recommending Kelly. Since the Senate recently defeated a big gun control bill, do you think they would approve Kelly if he is nominated by Obama?

Anonymous said...

Bailing out before the riots start so she can't be blamed for what happens next?

Ed said...

I am sure that the University of California will now have enhanced intellectual honesty and academic freedom!

Go Big Sis! Go!

Er, just go, already.